NYT’s Ignores Hillary’s Confrontation At Fundraiser

The New York Times is turning a blind eye to Hillary Clinton’s latest embarrassing campaign episode. It’s up the the Washington Post to pick up the salient facts.


Of course, anything embarrassing to Hillary Clinton is NOT going to be covered by the NYT’s.

Sure, we’ve heard of Black Lives Matter activists confronting candidates. But this time is different. This time, the activist reminds Hillary of her own words used in 1996 calling some blacks “super-predators.”

Say, what?

And here we thought Hillary was all in with the African-American community.

It’s a good thing some activists are doing their research. There is no better weapon against a politician than their own words.

What’s worse, the confrontation came at one of Hillary’s private, very expensive, undisclosed-to-the-press fundraisers at some big mansion.

And there are Hillary’s Big Money Hustlers hustling the activist straight out of The Man’s Big Mansion while Hillary drones on about nothing in particular – like all those 10 minute speeches she gave to all those Wall Street corporations and then collected $300k checks from.

And whether you like it or not, unless something miraculous happens, it’s going to be Hustling Hillary in the White House next year, kicking all the small people out the door while welcoming Big Money, Big Interest, Multinational Corporations in, and clearing the way for her and Bill NOT to be broke after they leave the White House THIS second time.

(If you don’t get the “broke” quote, it was used by Hillary as one of the rationalizations for charging 6-figures for all those speeches.)

Addendum: The Times on 2/26/16 published an opinion piece asking Hillary to release transcripts of her Big Money speeches which she has refused to do. The Times has NOT reversed its endorsement of Hillary as our next President.

Univ. Of Tenn. Coaches Circle Wagons Around Their Own Corruption

Just 2 days ago a group of University of Tennessee coaches gathered for a press conference to profess how great their school is for women. The Lady Vols basketball coach Holly Warlick even went so far as to say she would have her own theoretical daughter come to campus. (Easy to say, Coach Warlick, when you don’t actually have a daughter.) Meanwhile, the case against Tennessee just got uglier.



A football coach that threatens a player for helping a woman who was just raped. Other players repeatedly beating on that player and, one putting out a “hit” on that player.

This just happened in 2014.

And we have a female basketball coach at Tennessee saying “Everything’s great for women around here!”

No wonder the Tennessee Athletic Director didn’t show up at the coach’s presser.

He knew the facts.

We’re surprised the Tennessee coaches didn’t get ahold of their ol’ buddy coach Bruce Pearl for a ringing endorsement.


Oh. Because after being banned from the NCCA for 3 years he’s now down at Auburn making big $ and waiting for the boogey men to catch up with his crooked ways down there.


It’s not only women who are in danger in Tennessee sports circles. Don’t forget the horrendous case of the high school basketball freshmen students sodomized with a pool cue by their older teammates while coach was around.


And, yes. There were those who defended those high school coaches who tried to cover up the assault that left one student hospitalized with massive internal injuries.


Times’ Public Editor Sullivan Resigns – Heads To WaPo

The esteemed Public Editor at The New York Times, Margaret Sullivan, is resigning her position and joining Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post organization. She will be sorely missed.

As Public Editor it was Sullivan’s job to represent The Times’ readers and all their grievances toward The Gray Lady. And those grievances were legion.

Many were the times Ms. Sullivan held Jr. Editor Dean Baquet’s feet to the fire. (And in nearly every case, frat-boy Baquet responded with a wimpy excuse for his short-comings.)

We thank Margaret Sullivan for all her hard work. It can’t be easy biting the hand of Art Sulzberger knowing that’s where your paycheck is coming from. Maybe…Art decided to find a Public Editor who doesn’t have any teeth?

And congratulations on moving on to Katherine Graham’s fine – oops! – Jeff Bezos’ grand experiment in journalism.

Obama’s FDA Nominee Headed Faulty Drug Trial?

Today’s New York Times has a good piece about an ongoing trial against Johnson & Johnson’s Xarelto anti-clotting drug.

It seems Dr. Robert Califf, Pres. Obama’s nominee to head the FDA, who will be voted on today, headed the faulty drug trials for Xarelto years ago. Which led to J&J’s Xarelto being approved by the FDA and which is now generating over $2 billion in worldwide sales for the global pharmaceutical giant.

Isn’t that more than cozy?

At the center of the flawed drug trial was a bad blood monitor that doctors and the FDA knew was flawed back in 2005/6. But like all things regulatory these days, the monitor wasn’t recalled until 2014.


Which brings us to an important point.

Neanderthalic Murdochians, Fox News acolytes and most Republican candidates salivating for primary voters will scream how “The Government” is the Enemy.

Simply put, it is an inefficient government that is the enemy.

Efficiency. Transparency. That’s what we all want out of our elected officials and the institutions created to carry out the nation’s functions.

Cancer-Causing Wood, Lumber Liquidators And “Made In China”

There can hardly be anything more boggling than the concept that wood can cause cancer.

Leave it to corrupt Chinese corporations to find a way.


The story is not a new one: Lumber Liquidators bought laminated flooring from Chinese manufacturers that had lots – lots – of formaldehyde in it. And LL liquidated it to lots of homeowners who are now living inside caskets.

That’s the way it is.

China doesn’t care about anything. Not about the environment. Not about safety. Not about health. Least of all about the safety of its own Chinese citizens.

And now the Chinese have sold their blatant disregard for human life to the American Business Industry along with its products.

What? You haven’t heard about the Chinese workers striking at factories cranking out Apple iPhones because they were getting sick from polishing screens? Too busy playing on your smartphone?

Didn’t hear about the tainted Chinese baby formula scandal? Now Chinese scramble to buy baby formula from overseas markets. Meanwhile, millions of Americans are buying billions of dollars of Chinese food products found in Walmart stores.  What, you don’t read the labels? “Made in China?” They’re all over your Walmart food aisles.

American businesses gave up manufacturing for outsourcing to China and with it America lost jobs and gained Dollar Stores.

American business saw the short end of the stick – An office on US soil, slave labor in China, bottom-line profits and no responsibility for end products.

That’s what they’re teaching at the top business schools in this nation.

And how ugly is that?

Like a casket made from formaldehyde-soaked wood.

NYT’s Front Page To Bernie Sanders: Give Up, Already!

Today’s New York Times front page tells Americans Hillary Clinton leads Bernie Sanders 502 delegates to a measly 70.

How can this be? After just 3 states primaries/caucuses?

Oh. Those superdelegates.

Well someone forgot to tell the NYTs that superdelegates can switch whenever they feel the wind blowing another direction – like in the case Mr. Sanders makes a stronger showing in later primaries.

There are more articles in today’s paper outlining The Time’s numerous perceived shortcomings of Mr. Sanders including one in the editorial pages.

Any wonder who Editor Dean Baquet and Publisher Art O. Sulzberger want at their frat-boy parties after the presidential election?

They think they’re helping to grease the nation’s way to another Clinton presidency.

Kasich Hammers Nails Into GOP’s Coffin

Socially liberal Repulican presidential candidate John Kasich – the “Good Guy” in the “Ugly Race” – has shown his true stripes today.


The Ohio governor Kasich signed into law today a bill defunding Planned Parenthood in his state. Planned Parenthood, the most widely supported organization in the United States. Unless, that is, you’re a gun nut living in a hut in the backwoods somewhere.

Or a deluded GOP primary candidate who thinks they’ve got a chance in hell of being elected president in the national election.

Kasich popped out of his local Ohio mole hole and has declared himself a candidate unworthy of any serious consideration for president.

Sunday Time’s Front Page News: Kanye West Album Review!

Yeah, it’s getting that pathetic. The New York Times thinks a Kanye West album review belongs on the front page of their Sunday Times.

And the album isn’t even finished.

Thanks, exemplary Editor Dean Baquet and Publisher Art O. Sulzberger, the lesser. You are reaching lower and lower for some mythical mass readership that exists only in that special bond that exists in your co-mingling frat-bro minds.

Kanye West?

We prefer the genius of the late, great Warren Zevon.

Albert Einstein was a ladies man,

While he was working on his universal plan,

He was making out like Charlie Sheen,

He was a genius


From Genius


Chinese Securities A Mess, Chief Regulator Fired, How To Solve? Chinese Are Buying Chicago Stock Exchange!

If you think Wall Street is a mess, you haven’t been following the Chinese Communist’s idea of a stock exchange.

Stock prices going down? Close down the market! Yes, they do that in a “controlled” economy like China.

You’re a foreigner? You can’t own stock in a Chinese company! Yes, they can do that, too.

You want the stock market to go up? Print money and give it to market-makers to buy stocks. Yes, you can do that…but if you’ve been paying attention to China, that hasn’t been working lately. See, everyone buying Chinese stocks has been doing so with borrowed money. Which means, well, picture a house of cards…


China has fired the Top Man behind their security woes. Why is this funny? Earlier this month the Chicago Stock Exchange reported that it was being purchased by a large Chinese corporation.


How’s that for a good joke?

There’s much more behind the Chinese purchase after first blush, and it’s unlikely the US will allow the sale to go through. The greatest reason is that this particular Chinese corporation has the stench of Communist government backing and influence, meaning once they’ve got control of an American financial exchange they have a backdoor into the US financial infrastructure. The Chinese government is already blatantly hacking into every US institution they can, why give them the Chicago Stock Exchange? It’s like putting a Chinese Destroyer in Lake Michigan.

What we find very disturbing about the 45 Congressmen who signed the petition calling for a Treasury Department review of the Chinese deal for the Chicago Exchange?

Only 1 Democrat signed on to the petition. The other 44 were Republicans.

What happened to the Democrats? Are they kissing up to Chinese money? Or did the Repubs simply forget to ask them if they wanted to sign on to a good thing?

We’d like to know. It’s an important issue. And it’s no time to play Party Politics when national security is at stake.

NYT’s And “The Met”

In today’s New York Time’s Arts section there’s a piece by Robin Pogrebin on The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s new logo.

And given the devolved state of taste prevelant today in tastemakers, it’s no surprise the logo basically stinks. Reductive, simplistic, in screaming horror-show red and meant to appeal to…well, those hordes with faces stuck perpetually in their smartphones.

What’s even more telling: The one quote Pogrebin finds in defense of the logo comes from that city that is the bastion of good taste, LA.

One graphic designer named Dylan C. Lathrop is quoted as saying the logo is “cool!”

And then, as if we needed more evidence of Dylan’s teenage mentality, he/she goes on to belittle “haters” of the new logo. Yes. Pulling out the middle-schooler’s logic-defying term “hater” that immediately, in their minds, ends all arguments in their favor.

And putting the cherry on top, Dylan ends with another teen dismissive, “whatever.”

Well, we think THE MET’s new logo has found THE MET’s new target audience.

Can anyone sense the pyramids crumbling?