If Trump Can’t Run A Failing Campaign, What Makes You Think He Can Run The USA?

Over lunch yesterday a businessman friend of mine asked “So what do you think of all this Trump stuff?”

Well, I responded:

Trump raised nearly $90 million in one month from his cadre of hard-core believers, about as much as Hillary Clinton. Yet while all polls show Trump far behind in nearly all polls his campaign spent exactly ZERO dollars on television advertising purchases compared to $48 million spent by the Clinton campaign.

That’s right. Trump isn’t spending ANY money on TV ads. No one knows what’s he’s doing with his campaign funds. That’s why the Rebublican National Committee members are seriously considering pulling out all funding from Trump. Why raise money for your candidate when he clearly just wants to sock it away to spend it on himself after he loses the election – which is entirely legal.


Also, I added:

Trump fired his (recently hired) campaign chief Paul Manafort and replaced him with the CEO of a fringe, right-wing website that caters to scared white men with very weird conspiracy theory stories.

Oh, and why did Trump get rid of Manafort? Because Manafort failed to register as a foreign agent while working for a presidential candidate, being paid $Millions as he did for Russia’s favorite former Ukrainian strongman.

(Yes, people complain about Hillary’s pay-to-play but Trump hiring Manafort shows a mental density equivalent to letting the Chinese Navy guard Pearl Harbor.)

Manafort denied and denied he was paid but his Washington, DC lobbying firm is filled to its ceiling with Russian rubles. The facts are just now coming out in documents and financial filings from the Ukraine.

No wonder Donald has so many wonderful things to say about Russia’s madman Vladimir Putin while Putin’s bombers are dropping napalm on women and children in Syria while cosying up to Iran.


As a businessman you are deemed to have the judgment to surround yourself with the Best and Brightest.

As a businessman you have a business plan. You stick to the plan. Rarely – almost NEVER – do you do a 180 degree turnaround. Especially day after day, week after week.

In this presidential campaign Trump has hired and fired too many lackluster talents with no political experience.

In this campaign Trump has fired off blasphemous, outrageous statements, only later to reverse himself, sometimes saying he was only being “sarcastic.”

Donald Trump calls himself a businessman.

If this is business, what the hell do you think he’s going to do as President of the United States of America?

NFL Screws Up Again, Has To Cancel Season Opening Hall Of Fame Game Over Turf Issue

How incompetent is the NFL?

Well, we know they can’t get their drug-testing straightened out.

And we also know they let their players routinely beat, batter and sometimes murder their partners and spouses.

Now the NFL can’t even paint their football fields correctly for their nationally broadcast season opening Hall of Fame game that was to be broadcast Sunday night on ESPN. So, because of some field paint that apparently dried as hard as cement, making the field too dangerous to risk injury for highly paid NFL talent, the game was canceled.

How rinky dink is this $13 Billion league?

ESPN had to interview someone to fill airspace for Sunday night. Oops! Who popped up but the criminally and substance-abuse challenged Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay!

Irsay, greasy, face beet-red and bobbing around on camera, rambled on and on, “representing” the NFL in all its glory.

It was just 2 years ago that Irsay was busted by Indy police driving aimlessly around in his expensive car with countless bottles of prescription drugs and – get this – a laundry bag full of $29,000 in cash. Irsay supposedly couldn’t find his own house. Later, his mistress OD’d in a house purchased with Indianapolis Colts money.

THIS is the face of the NFL.


“Globe Trekker TV:” We Love Ian Wright!

For anyone needing a vicarious trip to locations around the world the “Globe Trekker” TV series has been the reliable place to go for decades. Globe Trekker started years ago giving viewers a realistic, foot-on-the-ground experience for the youthful, backpack oriented crowd.

In recent years GT has regretfully fallen prey to its choice of inexperienced hosts who leave viewers feeling as if they’re being led on a tour by attention-deficit afflicted grade-schoolers whose comments were akin to “Wow!” or “Gosh!”

We could reference the particularly woeful host who spent an entire hour long shipboard episode rounding Cape Horn whinging and puking and complaining  of having to do chores while on the small ship.

Well, thank goodness! Old GT travelhand Ian Wright is back on the road and righting the course for the venerable television series.

Not only Wright, but host Judith Jones has added a bright, intelligent flavor to GT with her episodes.

Now, if GT would only get rid of such self-serving losers as Bobby Chinn…


PS: Globe Trekker used to be associated with Lonely Planet, probably the best travel guide company doing business around. This isn’t a promotion, it’s just a good suggestion. If you need to know about a destination, Lonely Planet is the resource you need.


Sexually Harassed At Workplace? Trump Says Back Down And Quit!

He just gets weirder and weirder.

In an interview with USA Today’s Kirsten Powers Donald Trump suggested that when faced with sexual harassment at work the proper response is to simply quit and find work elsewhere.

Forget about all those Federal and state laws that protect you against such sexual harassment.

Forget about seeking justice and an equal footing for all workers in that workplace.

Donald Trump suggests to all victims to just get out. (And thereby leaving the criminal to stay in the workplace as the winner.)



At what point do American Trumpsters have to be shown the mass delusional vision of their Il Duce where they admit he is unfit to even speak in public?


Melania Trump – Like Husband – Has Trouble With Truth, Takes Down Her Website

After Melania Trump’s much-ballyhooed and botched RNC speech in which she was not only caught lying to NBC beforehand about writing it herself, then stealing Michelle Obama’s words and personal values and using them as her own, she has now been forced to take down her personal website which has long purported that she earned a university degree.

Long ago reporters had contacted the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia and confirmed that Melania Trump had dropped out after one year of lackluster performance to hit the fashion runways of Milan before becoming the THIRD wife of Donald Trump.

(Yes, Trump is the prototypical “Trade-in your old wife for the newer model” billionaire.)

Melania has since touted herself as a role model for immigrants.

As if every Third World economic refugee can marry a delusional despot billionaire wanna-be US President…


No one really cares if Melania Trump ever earned a BA. But isn’t it just like a Trump to bolster your resume by throwing another lie on the pile, then try to cover it up by taking down the website under a dubious explanation after you’ve been caught?


Texas A&M Football “Chalktalk For Women” Includes Powerpoint Presentation Exclaiming “Bang Him Hard!”

You can’t make these things up.

The Texas A&M Football Program had 700 women pay $70 a person for their annual “Chalktalk For Women” promotion this past week. Everything went great for Head Coach Kevin Sumlin. Until after the event when word got out to the press how 2 of his assistant coaches gave a hoary Powerpoint presentation during the event with such crass exhortations as “SPREAD THEM AGAIN,” “GET ERECT” and “BANG HIM HARD.”

Did we mention there were kids at this event?



Would you be surprised that one of those assistant coaches, Jim Turner, a grown man, had been fired years ago from the Miami Dolphins for his role in the poisonous gay-bashing locker room events from that NFL franchise that took down numerous players and coaches?

Is this just a football thing?

Should we be surprised that Baylor, also in the SEC like Texas A&M, fired its university president and head coach because the football program contributed to multiple rapes on their campus?

Of course, Baylor KEPT all their assistant coaches. Even though they were all there during all events surrounding the football rapes and cover-ups.


It IS a football thing.

Daily Beast Writer Lies About MH370 – Pilot Shah DID Hijack Plane

In a headline-shrieking story in today’s The Daily Beast dubious “journalist” Clive Irving does all he can to deny that Malaysian Air flight MH370 pilot Zaharie Shah hijacked the plane in a murder/suicide plot.


But like most lying propagandists Irving simply ignores the facts.

And worst of all, Irving ignores that most IMPORTANT element: Motive.

MH370 Pilot Shah was a well-known, vehement supporter of Malaysian opposition politician Anwar Ibrahim whom the repressive Malaysian government had been harassing for years.

The hijacking of MH370 was a desperate political act by Pilot Shah, in defiance of the Malaysian government and the government-owned airline for which he worked.

Shah’s background and movements were well-documented by the press but downplayed by the Malaysian government because of their own fears of being seen as vulnerable politically on the worldwide stage.

If the Malaysian government admitted their own pilot caused this disaster in reaction to their internal political machinations it could cause financial and social ruin.



The Daily Beast’s Irving failed to mention many facts in the case, including that MH370 Pilot Shah’s family left his house the day before the flight departed and have never been heard from since. Supposedly they were “in government care.”

No mention has ever been made of any attempts to interview his wife and son. Wouldn’t that be a basic starting point for ANY investigation?

Also, a small point. Irving makes it sound as if Pilot Shah merely had a computer with a flight program on it. Rather, he had an entire mock cockpit set up in his house with his computer. More than just someone “fooling around” on his laptop.


Importantly, Irving goes out of his way to make it sound as if the Malaysian government has been putting forth the theory of the “pilot hijack,” but that is absolutely the opposite of the facts. The Malaysian government has done EVERYTHING to divert attention away from ANY culpability toward Pilot Shah OR the government-owned airline – Malaysian officials knew this would not only make them LEGALLY liable for the disaster but POLITICALLY liable for the disaster as well.

This very salient point seems to fly right over the head of supposed aviation “expert” Irving.

It is and has been far more acceptable to the repressive Malaysian government to allow bogus terrorist, alien, enemy-fire or whatever theories to float about than to ever get to the truth of what really caused flight MH370 to crash and kill all aboard.


We are left wondering how it is that The Daily Beast allows such sloppy, factually inaccurate and meretricious stories to be published under their banner.

Oh, right.

Gawker went bankrupt.


Melania Trump Quotes “The Enemy” – Obama

Can anything be worse than using your enemies words as your own?

That’s what happened with the Trumps Monday night during the US Republican Convention when Melania Trump had a speech to give but used – word for word – quotes that Michelle Obama had used in her speech to Democrats in 2008.

What made it worse was Mrs. Trump was using the stolen words as statements of personal values she and her reprehensible husband Donald Trump supposedly hold dear.

Donald Trump has been lying throughout this campaign so it should be no surprise that the speechwriters he hired for his wife’s most important appearance before the American public should steal the words and thoughts and statements from the Obamas.

Plagiarism is the theft of written material.

It is no surprise that Trump’s campaign has denied and denied that there is even any plagiarism. Major news outlets have the Melania/Michelle speeches side-by-side making it clear Mrs. Trump’s words are theft.


How can reasonable voters believe that once in the presidential office that Donald Trump can be trusted with the most menial of tasks?

Well, that’s why it’s only the unreasonable, delusional voters who are totally behind the juvenile-like wombat Donald Trump.

More Brian Williams Idiocy: “Police Shootings Disrupt American’s Holiday-making!”

Nothing is more dangerous on MSNBC than turning Brian Williams loose during ANY major news event.

On Sunday during the MSNBC coverage of 3 Baton Rouge policemen being shot dead Brian Williams went on another one of his all-time brain-dead ramblings during which he claimed, loosely, that this summer’s tragic events in Dallas, Nice and now Baton Rouge have disrupted what are American’s God-given right to celebrate their holiday’s uninterrupted by events such as these tragedies.

Yes, Brian Williams said the massacre in Orlando, the massacre in Nice, France, the murders of police officers across the United States…are destroying the summer holidays of ALL AMERICANS.

That is the biggest take of Brian Williams of MSNBC news.

MSNBC and their ownership, NBCUniversal have chosen to spit in the face of journalism and America.

Allowing Brian Williams to return to MSNBC after their own network investigation proved Williams lied over and over on network TV over factual events he reported show that MSNBC and NBCUniversal don’t care about journalism or America.

Turkey Coup Attempt Fails: So Does Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Your government asks for help in combatting terrorism. You and your government representatives give it to them. And so do Big For-Profit Corporations like Facebook and Twitter.

Today’s attempted military coup in Turkey showed how government control of the media can be as dangerous as control of tanks and fighter jets.

When Turkey’s military leaders attempted to wrest control from the democratically elected rulers of Turkey they shut down such important media communication corporations as Facebook and Twitter.

When Facebook and Twitter signed contracts to do business with China they allowed the Chinese government backdoor access to private accounts and control over their operations. In Twitter’s case they allowed corporate military into the boardroom of Twitter, China.

What will happen the next time when The People NEED DIRECT FREE COMMUNICATION during times of crisis?

Don’t expect it from your friends at Facebook and Twitter.